Sunday, December 30, 2007


Some African churches hold their annual conference at Easter time, but all of them consider this to be the major Christian event of the year. Most African ministers have the responsibility of leading several small scattered congregations which they visit in turn, but Easter is the one time when they all come together at an agreed site, often also including other ministers and their circuits nearby.

This is not just another worship event. It is a time for feasting, fellowship, and all night preaching and singing. If other missionaries are in the area, say within a hundred or more miles, they too will be invited and often they conduct special classes or workshops, and preach the evening sermon, Friday, Saturday, or perhaps Sunday morning as well. If there are more than one present, they will each preach at least once. Housing is seldom arranged for the visitors as they are expected not to sleep, other than dozing off where they sit during a class or sermon. I have often been assigned the Sunday morning sermon! Keep in mind that everyone has been on the go since leaving their homes in time to arrive for the Friday evening meal followed by a heavy schedule of activities until after the Sunday morning service and communion.

Since the sacrificial death, the burial, and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior bring to a climax the reason , meaning, and end of all the animal sacrifices of the Old Testament, for Christ gave himself as the final and perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind, then arose again and established a new and better way, this is the Gospel we are to “go and tell to all nations.” This is the central message of Easter, and also the very heart of Christianity. Our African brothers have it right. This is worth staying awake for! This is, indeed something to celebrate! We must ever be thankful for our Savior and spread the “Good News” everywhere.
“He is risen!” The tomb is empty. He has gone to prepare a home for all Christians everywhere.

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